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Moving During the Pandemic: Practical Sanitization Tips

The right sanitisation methods and precautionary measures rooted in common sense can help fight the COVID-19 infection.

But during these difficult times, moving home is not the easiest of things to do, and during a global pandemic, it can become an ordeal for sure.

So, what’s to be done? Do people need to screen all their stuff through an ultraviolet tunnel, or maybe spray litres of sanitising solutions or disinfectants on their household goods to ward off the virus?

Well, probably not.

The correct sanitisation methods and the basic preventive measures are more than enough to avert the spread of the infection. Being one of the leading global removal companies, we at Writer Relocations are responsible enough to understand the severity of the COVID-19 situation and take the right steps to ensure that our customers’ goods are sanitised well and are safe during a move.

A lot has been said about the transmission of the virus. So by now, we know that it happens through close contact with an already infected person, mostly via respiratory droplets while coughing, breathing, sneezing or even speaking. And as we all are already aware, the virus tends to remain live or active for hours or even days at a stretch, depending on the types of different surfaces and materials.

This is why it is a prerequisite to clean and disinfect all the surfaces in your house, in a bid to remain safe, and more so during a move.

So, for your convenience, we discuss a few easy and practical tips that will help you in your sanitisation processes during a move.

1. Get the right cleaning supplies.

The disinfectants that you use while cleaning surfaces as well as your goods are of critical importance. The concentration of the liquids, as well as the contact time, are of vital importance. Pay heed to that with proper discretion.

There are other factors as well, like product stability, toxicity or ease. Make sure to consider them well too before the cleaning procedure.

Hypochlorite-based products display a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and can become extremely effective against several common pathogens at various concentrations.

2. Detect and sanitise the most-touched surfaces.

Certain surfaces are usually touched the most, like handles of doors and windows, the touchscreen of personal devices, work surfaces, toilet areas, and a few others. Identify them and use disinfectants in the right concentration to deep-clean the areas.

It is advisable to disinfect these areas first before deep-cleaning the entire home.

3. Protect yourself and others.

It is recommended that everyone should wash their hands with soap and water whenever possible as this can be a resistant factor against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Even sanitisers with at least 60% alcohol can help to avoid spreading germs to others.

During a move, keep soaps and sanitisers within easy reach as people from the family, as well as the movers, might need to frequently use them and clean their hands.

4. Keep the doors open.

It’s best to avoid the most frequently touched surfaces, and doorknobs and keys would be most in use if doors are locked and unlocked multiple times during a move. It’s best to keep the doors open so that you stay away from harm’s way.

As the professional movers and packers’ crew bring and place cartons inside as well as outside the house, it’s easy to prevent them from touching items and surfaces, like doorknobs and keys, if the doors are kept open throughout the move.

Managing a move becomes easier if the standard pandemic protocols are followed, social distancing is practised, and sanitisation norms are abided by.

So, set aside the fears and get ready for a well-protected move even during the time of COVID-19.


Moving During the Pandemic: Practical Sanitization Tips | WR

Praful Gupta: Head – Commercial and Asset Mobility

Author Bio: Praful Gupta is PMI certified Project Management Professional who heads the Commercial and Asset mobility practice at Writer Relocations. He has a rich and diverse experience in designing and implementing solutions driven by customer issues, technology and compliance in buildings, industries and large production facilities. Over the past 10+ years he has worked in organisations of a diverse set of trade including Energy Optimisation, Automation, Pharmaceutical Process Consultation, Logistics planning and Programme Management. As a business leader he currently handles all major B2B customer engagements and specialty move projects for domestic and international logistics.

How Remote Learning Can Alter the Relocation Industry
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How Remote Learning Can Alter the Relocation Industry

The concept of remote learning is comparatively new to educators and students, but the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it a necessity in the current times. However, institutions and organisations have already been offering online courses and certification classes for a long time. We cannot forget about the homeschool communities, too.

But now that remote learning has become the need of the hour, it remains to be seen if it becomes a norm for the future as well. And, even though it seems a bit of a stretch initially, this new trend of remote learning within the current education sector can, in the long run, transform the relocation industry, as observed by international relocation companies.

Let’s see how:

  • When education is imparted online, employees would not have to wait for the beginning of an academic year to plan their family relocation. Earlier, many things were dependent on the academic sessions of schools because children would not easily get transfers and new admission in the middle of a year. That eliminates the hassle.
  • Sometimes, even if the children get an admission, adjusting to a new curriculum can become taxing at times. The language barrier can be an issue with a move to a different country.
  • This way, the entire family can relocate together and there is no added tension of looking for a suitable academic institution for the children immediately after relocation. The fact that children can connect with teachers and peers from anywhere virtually will help the family remain united, move together, and overall, create consistency on the education front.

So, now, if the employees are able to accept suitable positions during any time of the calendar year, what will be its impact over the entire relocation industry? The implications can be astonishing.

Real Estate

If children’s education can be conducted online and there is no restriction to a particular time-frame when it comes to employee relocation, the flow of talent will be more consistent. This will, in the long run, ease the burdens that suppliers and employers experience (when all relocation processes have to be arranged within a fixed span for a lot of people together).

Household Goods

Supply and demand metrics can be fixed to a great extent if the rush of the peak season can be controlled. The high demand that is faced during this period often leads to transportation companies recruiting seasonal employees who may not be trained enough, and this can result in stupendous mistakes.

Housing options

After relocation, people often have to take up accommodations on rent or buy them. If the move is spread out throughout the year, it’s easier to get good options in housing; otherwise, a sudden spurt might hit the market badly, leading to unnecessary skyrocketing of the rent dynamics.

So, let’s embrace the change and move on amidst the challenges that we are facing. The pandemic has taught us to be creative and stretch our limits in many innovative ways. It’s time to adapt to the change as we go towards a new direction for a better beginning.

Writer Relocations, one of the most reliable international movers and packers, is with you, every step of the way, on this. Get in touch with us today.

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Using Departure Service Assistance: Crucial for Relocation

When you’re planning an international move, or getting ready to head back home after your stint in a location is over, your mind is mostly focused on three major aspects of the relocation process:

  • Removal of the household goods
  • Searching for places to live in the new destination
  • Understanding and settling down in a foreign location or back home

In this process, what’s often overlooked are the small but very crucial tasks that are essential to check off the list before you depart from your current location.

As one of the leading international removal companies, Writer Relocations has seen that these small things can often become quite taxing for you to complete all by yourself. These things can be as small as closing down your internet and cable TV subscriptions, notifying the utility companies, getting your kids’ transcripts for initiating the transfer process to a new school, booking cleaning services of the house, arranging for your pets as you pack your household goods – well, the list is actually never-ending.

However, you need not have sleepless nights fretting about these. As a part of our Departure Services, we will provide assistance in resolving all of these issues for you.

The support we provide

We have our own professional relocation consultants who will take care of these necessary tasks for you. As per your time and convenience, they will have a meeting with you to understand what pending chores are left for you to finish, and will also offer valuable suggestions on other aspects that you might not have thought of earlier.

They will then chalk out a detailed plan and help you set up meetings to finally close or suspend accounts. If needed, or if you are pressed for time, our consultants can even close these accounts for you in your absence, if you give prior permission for the same.

Given below are the most common responsibilities that you can expect relocation consultants to execute as part of departure service assistance from professional service providers:

  • Giving the leave notice to your landlord
  • Informing the school and initiating a Transfer Certificate
  • Transferring or closing utility accounts
  • Closing your existing bank accounts in the city
  • Closing memberships from places like sports clubs, gyms or others
  • Clearing all your subscriptions and pending bills
  • Closing your phone plan or looking for a more reasonable international plan
  • Checking your house for repairs that need to be made before you can hand it back to the landlord
  • Negotiating the return of your rental security deposit from your landlord
  • Handling any insurance claims as part of your property handover

So, before you plan a move, discuss with your relocation consultant how to go about organising your departure services. For more than 65 years, Writer Relocations has been helping people to move across international borders seamlessly. Our Departure Service Assistance is noteworthy and it has helped many of our clients considerably as well.

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Benefits of Office Relocation When The Need Arises

It’s often thought that an office move will usually entail much upheaval, followed by a protracted period of settling in, as you and your employees eventually get used to the new office space and the facilities. However, many times, you have to make a move and specially, during these unprecedented times, it’s more than necessary to shift your office space because of various constraints. Reliable office movers and packers would help to ensure the relocation process is executed seamlessly. And after a much-needed move, you will certainly be able to reap the most essential benefits.

Let’s us read about the benefits of a hassle-free office move which can bring about a much-needed improvement in how your business functions.

Better space utilisation

In these COVID times, many of your staff members might be working from home and so you might not need such a big office space with the staff with which you might be operating from your office. In this way, if you shift to a new office space, which is smaller and more compact, you might save a lot of money in rentals. This money can help you in other business functions. So, team up with Writer Relocations, one of the most reliable names in office moves and you can be sure of a seamless relocation, and it will turn out to be cost-effective in the long run.

Closer to clients

The location of an office is as crucial as its size and the amenities it offers, if not more. There are some businesses, which for a proper execution need to be in the client vicinity. You might feel that your business isn’t reaching the right target audience that it should or that the staff members are facing hassles when it comes to meeting certain specific clients. At that juncture, an office relocation will be beneficial for you.

Gives the business the opportunity to reach its potential

When the COVID situation improves and all the staff members start operating from office, the visibility factor will become crucial once more. So, now it might be the best time for a move, because the rentals are comparatively low or reasonable. So, you might be able to crack the best deals possible.

A move to a location that’s more suitable might help you acknowledge the capabilities of your business and boost upon the best practices like never before. The new environment can up the motivation quotient of all the employees and help them work towards the next level altogether. This can improve the work quality.

Save expenses in the long run

You have to understand if your current office space is giving you the right value for money. If it’s not, then you must not hesitate to undergo an office move. It might seem a costly affair to begin with, but the right office relocation partner, like Writer Relocations can help make the process seamless.

An office is more than a space to just work, it’s a zone where you and all your employees need to be in complete sync with your professional responsibilities in order to come up with the best results. So, look for that ideal space and we at Writer Relocations are there to shoulder all the office move responsibilities.

The main advantage of an office relocation is an immediate return on investment specifically on rental expenses which can happen as one moves into a more economical area or consolidation of office spaces. One can also move their assets into storage to save on a considerable amount of rental till the time work from home is considered inevitable.

Writer Relocations can help you achieve this at a fraction of the cost that you will save by moving your assets into storage of cheaper real estate. We partner and consult our clients into making such transitions with ease.

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How Age Influences Relocation Decision

Relocation is a very crucial decision for all of us and the decision to move can have different implications at various stages of our lives. It’s just not a move from point A to point B, but a complete overhaul of lifestyles for people making the move as well as their family members. Alfresco living might suit some, while others may change cities or countries for better educational or career opportunities. The reasons might be varied but it’s an undeniable fact that age plays a crucial role, when it comes to the reason for relocation as well as the place one is moving to.

Let’s see how age can or cannot be a barrier when it comes to relocation plans and needs.

When one relocates between 22 and 32 years:

Relocation becomes more hassle-free when one is single and has no family responsibilities to shoulder. At this phase, one can be ready to only focus on career and so willing to move anywhere at this stage, to give shape to their professional needs.

Countries like Bahrain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, and others are good enough for people who are ready to relocate without family, be it for a better lifestyle or earning good money or building a sound career base. The Middle Eastern countries might pose various restrictions, but they are excellent when it comes to offering enviable pay packages.

When one relocates between 32 and 47 years:

At this phase people usually have families and a relocation decision is well-thought-of and a long-pondered one. A family person will not choose any place that offers good money in a job. Partner’s career opportunities are considered, along with good educational options for children, which become the primary concerns before making a move. While there are countries around the world that offer hospitable living conditions to families, the decision to move rest mostly on the opportunities that are primarily available for children. UK, Austria, Brazil, China, India, Brunei, Taiwan, and a few other countries are home to some of the top-rated international schools in the world. People at this stage of life make a move mostly to seek an improved quality of life along with the will to stabilise one’s career.

When one relocates between 47 and 60 years:

When one relocates within this age bracket, it’s mostly with an intent to settle for good in that particular country and the reasons can be many like better lifestyle, hassle-free living, improved medical facilities and welcoming communities. The International Living Retirement Index suggests that Malaysia, Spain, Peru, Spain, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and others are amongst some of the best countries in the world for the superannuation phase of life.

So, decide on the reason, location, and intent for your move. And we, one of the most trusted removal companies of the world, are there to give you all possible move assistance that you may need. For more than 65 years, Writer Relocations has been helping people not only move but settle down well in the countries of their choice.

Tips for Choosing the Most Trustworthy Office Movers
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Tips for Choosing the Most Trustworthy Office Movers

Moving an office to a new location isn’t easy. The task of packing every office item, moving them cautiously, and then unpacking followed by organising in a new location can be a tedious task besides being extremely challenging. When you hire the right movers and packers, this task can be simplified considerably. However, finding a suitable corporate relocation services provider is not easy.

Choosing the right packers and movers from the multiple options available online can be extremely confusing. However, following these few ways that can help you opt for a professional service provider that can expertly handle your office relocation.

Begin with a thorough research

Research plays a crucial role when it comes to finding reliable office movers and packers. So, spend some time looking for good options that specialise in office moves. You will find quite a few results for your search. It is recommended that you collect as much information as possible and then compare the different service providers, the rates that they are quoting, and so on, before finalising on a particular company. You can decide on the best possible option if you have multiple players to choose from.

Experience in office moving

One of the best ways to decide which packers and movers to hire for your office relocation is to find a moving company that specialises in office relocation. Your research will give you information about moving companies with maximum experience in this field.

Seasoned moving professionals are completely aware of all the details and the specific processes that entail an office move. Their expertise will help them to pack and move the office items to a new location seamlesly and with minimum disruptions whatsoever. You can be assured and confident of the fact that all your things will be handled with utmost care during the entire relocation process. So opt for packers and movers that have the most experience in office relocation.

Team size

An office mostly has multiple things items that need to be dismantled, packed, and then relocated to a new facility. Therefore, it’s crucial that it is important that the office relocation company which you hire should have the necessary manpower, tools, vehicles, and equipment to execute the task. Before hiring packers and movers, ensure they have a team and infrastructure that would be suitable as per your relocation needs. A small moving company might take a much longer time to complete the task at hand, which can result in unnecessary delays.

Cheapest is not always the best option

When it’s the question of an office move, you have to consider the expense factor as well. You will get many smaller players who will quote much lower rates and you may get tempted to use their services as well. However, can you guarantee their expertise, and if they will be able to execute something as crucial as an office move seamlessly? And if there are damages in the process, it will lead to useless expenses on your part, resulting in unnecessary hassles. There can be delays as well and as a person who runs a company knows a few hours of delay could actually mean hundreds of staff members wasting precious working hours as they wait unnecessarily without assets and computers. Customers could also get upset because of the delays. These types of downtime are irritating and can be very costly. Hence, it’s best to use a professional for office moving.

Writer Relocations has been offering seamless services to customers for more than 65 years, and this way has been able to capture the pulse of office moving quite right.

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Discover how Relocations empowers your workforce to work efficiently from diverse locations globally

Even amidst the times of COVID-19, businesses across the world are slowly opening up. To keep ourselves safe, there is a spike in sanitisation measures, and everyone is being super cautious about safety and hygiene. In this scenario, keeping the business perspective in mind, you might have to send across some of your key resources to other cities from the base location. However, since people are your greatest assets, you cannot ignore their safety and well-being as well. Writer Relocations, as one of the leading global removal companies, is here to solve all your problems. As a part of our consulting assignment management, we offer the full spectrum of relocation and consulting services to businesses and their assignees, and keeping in mind all the safety and hygiene concerns of the current times as well.

We can be partners to the HR processes of organisations, when it comes to reaching out to those employees who have been assigned to shift base to a new location as per their job requirements. It might be a whole new city, a new country, or maybe a new continent altogether.

At this juncture, it is important to take into consideration their well-being primarily. And we at Writer Relocations, help to do that as well. The task at hand is not merely to help move employees from point A to point B, but ensure they settle in as well so that they continue to function seamlessly from a new location.

And as you broaden your horizon and allow your employees to go offshore, you help make your business become increasingly dynamic. Let’s see what the areas are, where you can boost your business as you let your employees work from diverse locations globally.

Increase your customer base

Your employees can reach out to new customer bases when they go and work from another location altogether. They understand the client’s perspectives and choices better, and cater personalised services accordingly, which boosts your business in the long run. This will for sure open more doors of opportunities and make you more profitable as an organisation.
And when it comes to sending your employees to respective locations, you need not take that added hassle. At Writer Relocations, the bouquet of our services under Consulting and Assignment can take up this complete responsibility for you.

New ways of working lead to greater productivity

Your employees get to learn new ways of working in a new place. And many times, a fresh new perspective is essential to help businesses grow and boost revenues. Processes are improved and solution-finding becomes easy with more people from diverse backgrounds sorting out issues.

Opportunities to relocate attract new candidates

When a business offers opportunities to work from onsite locations to employees, the worth of the company increases. It’s quite understandable that your employees would want to be a part of the global workforce so if you can provide that opportunity then your business will certainly get increasingly lucrative to greater talents.

So, help your employees grow and they will for sure give you the returns in the long run. For all your relocation concerns we are there to sort them out, even during these times of global pandemic. From consulting & assignment, residence facilities, and expense management, rental & utility payments, and mobility consulting, we offer every possible service, so that your resources can settle down without any hassles in the new country.

Tips for Stress-Free Plant and Machinery Relocation
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Discover the Healthiest Places to Live After COVID-19

Most of us are locked up in homes in these strange times of COVID-19. Coronavirus has generated a sense of fear and created a panic situation on a global scale and that is for sure pulling us down.

But these are times that will not last forever. It will take time for sure, but we will overcome it in due course of time. But corona has indeed taught us one thing – we need to take care of our own well-being, boost our immunity, and lead healthy lives.

So, when the world order becomes normal and the threat of the virus recedes, you might want to relocate to some other place for varied reasons. It helps to know some of the healthiest places on earth – countries that will not only offer excellent job opportunities but help you lead healthy and well-cherished lives. As a leading removal company, which also helps the customers with all possible immigration and destination services, Writer Relocations has the expertise to showcase the healthiest countries of the world.  After all, leading healthy lives is a dream for all of us.

New Zealand

Low pollution, dramatic landscapes, excellent healthcare facilities make New Zealand one of the healthiest places to live in the world. There are a lot of options for outdoor activities and so people in that country are happy and make the most of the ‘high-octane thrills’ that this country offers in plenty. Another amazing thing about the country is that no part is more than a 90-minute drive from the ocean.

The Kiwis love to eat healthy as well, with an abundance of organic produce available in the country. The people in New Zealand have an interesting tradition – growing crops in their own backyard. Fresh seafood is also very popular in the country, thanks in part to the country’s unspoiled waters.

Icaria in Greece

Again no one knows if the secret to human longevity is the diet, the air of the place, or the carefree life, Icaria is one place on earth that is extremely popular for people, even in their 90s, leading completely healthy and independent lives. This is one island that has the highest percentage of 90-year-olds in the entire world. The island’s natural thermal springs might be the secret that can revitalise the body and soul of the people living. No one knows but indeed a great place to explore.

Costa Rica

Famous for its rich natural beauty, Costa Rica is a country that exuberates happiness and positive vibes. And it is again one country that is known for its exceptionally amazing standard of living. Some say it’s because of the local diet that is rich in high-fibre content. The social structures are well-knit and boost the quality of life like no other. No wonder the life expectancy of the people living in the country is one of the highest in the world.

The country for sure guarantees a great living environment and as one of the leading global mover and packer company, we highly recommend Costa Rica to you, in case you are planning for relocation after the COVID crisis settles down.

Okinawa, Japan

Study says Okinawa in Japan is the place with the longest life expectancy in the world. This series of islands, stretching across the South China Sea, has one of the highest numbers of centenarians in the world. For every 100,000 people, roughly 68 are above 100 and completely healthy.
And this has got a lot to do with the diet that is followed by people in this county. The Okinawan diet surprisingly has a very high ratio of carbohydrates to protein – 10:1 – which is a complete deviation from the Western notion of a perfect diet. Maybe it’s the diet, the beauty of the islands, the amazing bonds shared between the people, or the stress-free life in this part of the world, but Okinawa is for sure a place you can keep in mind.

So, make your plans and in case you decide to relocate to a country of your choice our experts in Writer Relocations are there always to assist you right from moving and packing to all possible immigration and destination service requirements.

Plan Your Office Move Amid COVID-19
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Plan Your Office Move Amid COVID-19

These are the times of COVID-19 – a time when the scare of coronavirus has encapsulated our lives. And we are left abiding by safety measures and trying to practice social distancing as much as possible. But as we all slowly try to resume our businesses, we have to understand that things have changed at least for some time now, in the way we function, think, and continue to operate.

The norm is to now adopt the digital medium as far as possible. In this scenario, many of you might want to shift your businesses into a smaller working space because a big space isn’t a requirement anymore or one where you can abide by sanitisation measures more stringently. Some of you might want to let a section of your employees work from home for a consolidated span, at least as of now. This calls for an office relocation so that you can continue with your business unhindered.

Now many people associate office relocation with interrupted services, misplaced mail, distracted staff, and always a sense of chaos. And now during the COVID-19 situation, there is a sense of fear everywhere. So, office relocation also has to abide by the sanitisation and cleaning measures. Well, you need not worry if you take the assistance of corporate relocation service providers like Writer Relocations for office moves.

We assure you that relocating offices with experts doesn’t lead to impacting your business activities adversely if only a few simple tips are followed.

Making a smart plan sticking to it

Planning your move in a calculated way will make sure the process is executed smoothly and downtime is kept to a bare minimum.

First chalk out the specifics of how long you have to move and then create a timeline for making sure all the necessary tasks have been done. But do make a realistic plan and more so because it’s the COVID situation.

Hire professional office movers and packers

A task of such importance needs to be handled by experts who know it best. And, it’s more cost-efficient to hire professional movers in the long run.

Expert relocation providers like Writer Relocations help you devise an achievable plan of attack, pack up your office machinery and equipment, and move them to your new premises and even install back the machinery that had been uninstalled in the first place. This way there is minimal risk of damage to your equipment and machinery. This is an essential element in ensuring business productivity isn’t hampered in any which way after an office relocation.

Announce the move beforehand

It makes sense to maintain transparency in office and tell everyone starting from the employees to the suppliers and service providers about the relocation process so that there is no confusion later on. Remember, it’s just a shift in premises and not your business commitment.

Update the address change on your website as well as all the online directories. Even sending newsletters to your customer base about the change in office address is a good idea. Make the announcements on your social media channels as well.

So, all the best for your office move. We at Writer Relocations take care of all possible measures to ensure your office move can be executed seamlessly. Right from tracking the health of the crew, packing material sanitisation, regular disinfection of vehicles and inventories, we do it all to ensure we prevent the spread of the virus in all possible ways.

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Asset moving with Proffessionals

It’s an unsettling phase in all our lives as we battle it out with COVID-19. But slowly as the lockdown restrictions are being eased, we have to resume our business even as we are facing this unprecedented crisis. So, when you have decided to shift back to office premises or plan to relocate to a new location, slowly and steadily, it’s best to opt for a professional service provider when it comes to your asset moving.  As one of the leading overseas removal companies, Writer Relocations understands the intricacies of asset moving and as a move partner will ensure the work gets executed seamlessly.

Read on to understand the benefits of hiring a professional moving company as you resume your business operations from the office.

Stress-free relocation:

An effort has to be put to allay the burden on the employees as far as possible so that they can focus on their business responsibilities. If employees have to chalk out plans to relocate from one point to another, it becomes a complicated process for all. As a business owner or the person responsible for the relocation process, you need to understand that employees are a company’s biggest asset, so they need to be protected as far as possible in this transition phase.
At Writer Relocations, along with taking that responsibility on us, we provide the assurance to follow all the safety measures and hygiene protocols as a part of our resolve to protect the community at large.

Entrusting the responsibility on safe hands:

After a hiatus for the COVID outbreak, this office resumption is very crucial for your business. You cannot let your office equipment, furniture, and various types of machinery get damaged in some way during a move. So, it’s best to assign responsibility to an experienced player who understands the job well. As an international moving services provider, Writer Relocations knows how to handle each of your equipment, machinery, and furniture in the best possible way. The experts know how to shift electronic equipment seamlessly and will ensure they are unscathed during a move process. The right moving and packing materials will ensure that all your assets are safe during transit.


You might not realise it, but when you have an overseas removal company as your move partner, you undoubtedly end up saving more money. It’s a faster and efficient process and these moving experts show the necessary professionalism through their quick turnaround time.

Reduced business disruptions:

Now that you will or already have resumed your business operations from the office premises, you need to focus on your work without any interruptions. A reliable moving partner will make sure you do not miss anything during a transition and your business functionalities go unhindered.

So, whether you’re planning to move a multi-office building or perhaps just a single one, remember these benefits, and partner with the right moving company for a seamless move.